For those that have a basic understanding of marketing and advertisng...What impact would a billboard have if it changed on a daily basis? The answer is minimal! Billboards increase in effectiveness the more that a viewer passes by that advertisement. The first few days a board is up, a viewer may not realize it, but the more they are exposed to it the more effective a board becomes.
That same principle applies to logos. What if every time you see a logo it is different? The mind (consciousness or unconsciousness) will not put it together that it is the same company. If that is the case, you are defeating your own efforts! I know of a business that from the parking lot, you can see 5 is displayed 3 completely ways.
Often times this is a result of “good intentions”. Some folks view a logo like my wife views our living room furniture – It has to change on a weekly basis. Some folks think that they are doing the company a favor by “spicing” up the logo. But as well as their intentions are, they are doing great damage to the company’s corporate Identity.
When you go through the effort of having a logo designed, make sure that it is used consistently EVERY TIME!